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Pronouns Empty Pronouns

Mensagem por gabriel10zika Qui 25 Abr 2019, 22:33

(PUC-RS)Assinale a alternativa correta
Can you tell me ............?
a)how much does a box of matches cost
b)how much a box of matches costs
c)how much do a box of matches cost
d)how much is a box of matches cost
e)how much costs a box of matches


Mensagens : 71
Data de inscrição : 26/04/2017
Idade : 22
Localização : Rio de janeiro RJ Brasil

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Pronouns Empty Re: Pronouns

Mensagem por a.n.n Sex 24 Abr 2020, 11:04

b)how much a box of matches costs
Costs ---> price
How much is used with uncountable nouns.

How much can also be used when we want to know the PRICE of something.
In this case, we can use How much with countable nouns (both singular and plural nouns).
Use do with the subjects I, we, you and they. Do is usually used to make questions and it comes at the start of a sentence. Do is not used with the verbs be, CAN, might, ought, shall and will.
Does is the third person singular of did. Use does at the start of questions when the subject is he, she or it.

CAN you tell me how much a box of matches costs?
Recebeu o sabre de luz
Recebeu o sabre de luz

Mensagens : 181
Data de inscrição : 11/08/2017
Idade : 23
Localização : SP, Brasil

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